
Showing posts from March, 2013

The Story of the Cow in the Bog

The Story of the Cow in the Bog           My wife, Jewell, loves to tell this story of her and her brother Nelan helping their dad get a cow out of a mud hole.   In those days, and especially with her dad, you did everything you could to save an animal.   This was not just for humane reasons but also because animals were your livelihood out on a farm in the early 1940’s.           There was a creek that ran down one side of the Bahlman farm called Oak Creek.   In those days the creek was pretty active in that it had water in it most of the time.   This was before all the farm stock ponds were built out in west Texas and before some of the lakes were built across the creek to provide water for the towns upstream.   Also on this farm there was what the Bahlmans called the “Slough.”             The Slough was more or less a dry bed creek that ran across their pasture and emptied into Oak Creek.   Sometimes, if there was a rain, this Slough would run full and at the junctio