
Showing posts from 2014

A Love Story

A LOVE STORY Chapter 6 – The Sweetwater Quartet             In August of 1950 it was time to have the annual Emert reunion at Stephenville, Texas.  The Emert family was my mother’s family. There were many cousins and uncles and aunts and in-laws and we cousins always had a lot of fun together.  The reunion was held that year in the city Recreation Hall.  I was living in Sweetwater at the time with Philip and Willie Ruth and the kids.  So, I rode with them from Sweetwater to Stephenville for the reunion.             Now, in those days there was no I-20, no four lane freeway.   The Interstate Highway System did not begin until 1956 when Dwight D. Eisenhower signed it into law.   Old highway 80 was just a two lane highway and had some dangerous spots in it.   One of these was what was called “Nine Mile Curve,” you guessed it, 9 miles out of Sweetwater toward Abilene .   We did not leave Sweetwater that Friday night until after all got off work and got packed up.   We ate supp