
Showing posts from April, 2018
This is a prayer that I offer to God for our church as it face a transition from Faustina Academy facilities. ____________________________________________________________________________ A PRAYER FOR PLYMOUTH PARK CHURCH OF CHRIST             We give thanks to you Lord and call on your holy name.   We want to make known to all people what you have done.   We look to you Lord always and your strength, your love and your grace.   We seek your face every day.             Oh Lord, we remember where, we believe, you have led us and where we have come from to this good day.   We believe you put it into the hearts of Rochelle Road Church of Christ and Central Church of Christ to unite into one congregation in July of 1999.   Both churches were limited in growth potential and we believed that a united church is better than a divided church and that the synergy produced by the two would be greater than the sum of the two separate churches.   So, we became Plymouth Park Church of Chr