This is a prayer that I offer to God for our church as it face a transition from Faustina Academy facilities.


            We give thanks to you Lord and call on your holy name.  We want to make known to all people what you have done.  We look to you Lord always and your strength, your love and your grace.  We seek your face every day.
            Oh Lord, we remember where, we believe, you have led us and where we have come from to this good day.  We believe you put it into the hearts of Rochelle Road Church of Christ and Central Church of Christ to unite into one congregation in July of 1999.  Both churches were limited in growth potential and we believed that a united church is better than a divided church and that the synergy produced by the two would be greater than the sum of the two separate churches.  So, we became Plymouth Park Church of Christ and Steve Barrett became our minister.  Then tragedy struck.
            In August of 2000 an arsonist broke into our church building and torched our Sanctuary.  Believing you were leading the congregation to rebuild, plans were drawn, and a new Fellowship Center and Sanctuary were built.  But, Father, you know that a building program brings unseen stresses.  These stresses and other factors brought about the loss of several members of our church including our minister.  Travis Stanley, a recently graduated from Abilene Christian University, became our minister.
            Again, believing you were leading the church in a different direction, the church adopted a new leadership model.   This included an Advisory Board to advise the church then a congregational decision and vote on major matters.  This was as opposed to the traditional Elder/Deacon leadership model.
            With this new leadership model in place it was learned that Abilene Christian University wanted to use the Plymouth Park Church facilities for a Graduate School in the D/FW area.  A contract was signed, Abilene Christian University paid off the existing loan against the property and the church endowed the remainder of the property to the University.  But a graduate school never happened.  The University decided a graduate school was not a viable option with the onset of online classes and library expenses, the University decided to sell the property.
            In the meantime, our minister, Travis Stanley, decided to resign.  Trusting you Father, the same day Travis resigned, the church learned that John Ketchersid became available.  John agreed to become our minister.  John is our minister to this day.
            Father, you know that the sale of the property proceeded.  We learned that it was sold, and the church would have to move out.  Where were we to go?
            But, God, you are still faithful.  Our minister, John had developed a working relationship with the St. Stephen’s Presbyterian Church.  So, an agreement was reached, and our church would begin sharing space with St. Stephen’s Church.  But even this arrangement was short lived.
            Lord, you know that St. Stephen’s was informed by its Presbytery that it was no longer a viable congregation and would have to merge with another church.  As a result, their property was sold to the Faustina Academy, a private Catholic school, that was already meeting in another building on the property.  And Father, you blessed our church with an agreement with Faustina to have a dedicated office space, share the sanctuary, classrooms, and cafeteria.  This has been a great relationship for almost 4 years.  Now, it has been learned, Plymouth Park Church must, according to its agreement, move out by June 30, 2018.
            But, Lord, we still trust you.  We know you are faithful and your Holy Spirit is with your people. We believe you will again open doors of opportunity for this body of your people.  We are asking you now to help our congregation see those opportunities and to act on them that in a way that seems to be in the best interest of your people.  We are asking you to be with our minister, John, and the Advisory Board as they make tough decisions and recommendations for our church.  Specifically, we are asking you to:  1) To lead us to locate another building or property in which Plymouth Park can continue to meet for worship and fellowship, to bring your grace to those you are drawing to yourself, and to minister to the homeless and needy as it is now doing. 2) If that is not possible, we are asking you to lead Plymouth Park to another congregation of your people with which we can partner for your glory.  Or 3) If it is your will that Plymouth Park Church should dissolve as a local church and ask its members to find another church where they can continue to worship and fellowship and extend your grace to others, please give your church the courage to accept that decision with grace.  Not our will but yours be done.
            Lord, you are great and most worthy of praise.  No one can fathom your greatness.  One generation commends your works to another and tell of your mighty acts.
            Lord, you are gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and rich in love.  Lord, you are good have compassion on all you have made.
            Lord, you are trustworthy in all you have promised and faithful in all you do.  You uphold and lift up all who fall and lift up all who are bowed down.
            Lord, you are righteous in all your ways and faithful in all you do.  You are near to everyone who call on you in truth.
            And now, Praise be to the Lord from everlasting to everlasting.  Let all the people say “Amen!”
            PRAISE THE LORD!


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