
This is a prayer that I offer to God for our church as it face a transition from Faustina Academy facilities. ____________________________________________________________________________ A PRAYER FOR PLYMOUTH PARK CHURCH OF CHRIST             We give thanks to you Lord and call on your holy name.   We want to make known to all people what you have done.   We look to you Lord always and your strength, your love and your grace.   We seek your face every day.             Oh Lord, we remember where, we believe, you have led us and where we have come from to this good day.   We believe you put it into the hearts of Rochelle Road Church of Christ and Central Church of Christ to unite into one congregation in July of 1999.   Both churches were limited in growth potential and we believed that a united church is better than a divided church and that the synergy produced by the two would be greater than the sum of the two separate churches.   So, we became Plymouth Park Church of Chr

A Love Story

A LOVE STORY Chapter 6 – The Sweetwater Quartet             In August of 1950 it was time to have the annual Emert reunion at Stephenville, Texas.  The Emert family was my mother’s family. There were many cousins and uncles and aunts and in-laws and we cousins always had a lot of fun together.  The reunion was held that year in the city Recreation Hall.  I was living in Sweetwater at the time with Philip and Willie Ruth and the kids.  So, I rode with them from Sweetwater to Stephenville for the reunion.             Now, in those days there was no I-20, no four lane freeway.   The Interstate Highway System did not begin until 1956 when Dwight D. Eisenhower signed it into law.   Old highway 80 was just a two lane highway and had some dangerous spots in it.   One of these was what was called “Nine Mile Curve,” you guessed it, 9 miles out of Sweetwater toward Abilene .   We did not leave Sweetwater that Friday night until after all got off work and got packed up.   We ate supp

The Hillman Husky Story

The Hillman Husky Story           We were living in San Angelo, Texas in 1970 when I received a call from a little church in Lockney, Texas up in the Panhandle asking if I would come to Lockney and conduct a singing school at their church.   I was to teach church music mornings and evenings and then preach twice on Sundays.   Of course, I was eager to do that because I had conducted several singing schools in the past but I had been away from teaching singing for several years while we were living in the Northwest.   My singing school experience goes all the way back to when Mary and I were kids at home.           My Dad loved gospel music and he made sure that Mary and I went to every singing convention and singing school that was anywhere nearby.   The first singing school that I remember was in about 1936 and was held at the old Mitchell Creek Baptist Church (The old church building has long since fallen down.) in the Pony Creek community about 10 miles south of Stephen

The Story of the Cow in the Bog

The Story of the Cow in the Bog           My wife, Jewell, loves to tell this story of her and her brother Nelan helping their dad get a cow out of a mud hole.   In those days, and especially with her dad, you did everything you could to save an animal.   This was not just for humane reasons but also because animals were your livelihood out on a farm in the early 1940’s.           There was a creek that ran down one side of the Bahlman farm called Oak Creek.   In those days the creek was pretty active in that it had water in it most of the time.   This was before all the farm stock ponds were built out in west Texas and before some of the lakes were built across the creek to provide water for the towns upstream.   Also on this farm there was what the Bahlmans called the “Slough.”             The Slough was more or less a dry bed creek that ran across their pasture and emptied into Oak Creek.   Sometimes, if there was a rain, this Slough would run full and at the junctio