
Showing posts from April, 2013

The Hillman Husky Story

The Hillman Husky Story           We were living in San Angelo, Texas in 1970 when I received a call from a little church in Lockney, Texas up in the Panhandle asking if I would come to Lockney and conduct a singing school at their church.   I was to teach church music mornings and evenings and then preach twice on Sundays.   Of course, I was eager to do that because I had conducted several singing schools in the past but I had been away from teaching singing for several years while we were living in the Northwest.   My singing school experience goes all the way back to when Mary and I were kids at home.           My Dad loved gospel music and he made sure that Mary and I went to every singing convention and singing school that was anywhere nearby.   The first singing school that I remember was in about 1936 and was held at the old Mitchell Creek Baptist Church (The old church building has long since fallen down.) in the Pony Creek community about 10 miles south of Stephen